Monti Alcudina

The « anvil », as they call it in English. 2134 meters high, it is the last high summit in the southern part of this island moutains. The Mont Alcudina is located between the Cuscionu and the Aiguilles de Bavella, in southern corsica. 

We start from the sheepfolds of Matalza. The path that meets the ridge goes through a small river (beware, the small river gets bigger, depending on the time of the year)

Paisoli in Siscu

Siscu is a region located in the Cap Corse, which is made of many little hamlets. None of them are named Siscu. It is surrounded by mountains that are the limits of a valley. We would assume that Siscu is the name of the valley. 

Dolmen di Casta

At the entrance of the désert des Agriate, close enough from the shooting range Casta, stands an unbelievable site, where we can find dolmens’ ruins from the megalitic ages. These are collective tombs, open on the front and with a horizontal stone on top of it

U lavu di Ninu

It might me one of the most beautiful lakes in Corsica. With its pozzini, free horses, and hugely amazing landscapes. 

Let’s head off to Corte, so we can discover one of the easiest steps of the famous gr20. We start from the shelter of the Col de Verghju, which is normally reached on the 3rd of 4th day if we depart from Calinzana.

Par sopra à u matrali di Todda

A lovely walk, which offers different kinds of nice views. 

We cross Tolla’s blocking, and with an all terrain vehicle we can even climb up to the mountain pass. If we don’t have this type of vehicle, we just need to plan this trip to be a bit longer. 

I paesi di u Nebbiu trà sacru è prufanu

"Between profane and holy." That is the name of a path between Rapale and Pieve and Soriu, through some diverse points of interest, like chapels, sheepfolds, and some other old stones. Therefore, we can discover more things about le Nebbiu (Northern Corsica) and its inhabitants’ life throughout history.

Mata paese persu di Luri

There are lots of abandoned villages in Corsica, which are like witnesses of other regions growth, and also witnesses of the countryside emigration. It is believed that Mata has been abandonned in the XVIIIth century.

First of all, we go to Campu, quite close from Luri in the Cap Corse. There is a memorial for Andre Cervoni, so we can remember how inspiring he was for the writer Joseph Conrad. 

U stagnu scurdatu di Ghjallicatapianu

This is an unknown walk, a victim because it is too close from the well known GR20. This time, we have to reach a river located between the sheepfolds of Tolla and the shelter of Petra Pianu : The river of Gialicatapianu, located 1523 meters high. 

Paese abandunatu di Caracu spechju di una volta

We can find lots of abandoned villages in the Cap Corse. Caracu (« holly » in Corsican, even if we couldn’t find any holly leaves over there), in Meria village, has been left over, little by little, because of the way we can hardly access it – unlike the main village. This little promenade throw the walker back into a close past.
