Muraglia di China nustrale, ver'di u monte Cervellu

We need to get to Rosazia, where we find the starting point of the sporty walk to the Monte Cervellu summit; which is 1624 meters high and is located on the Salice. 

The road between Veru to Rosazia is stunning. The first hill is quite steep, but it is under the shadow of an amazing pine forest. We have a lovely view of the Cruzini while we climb up. While passing the coast, we reach a nice crest, Bocca di u Capizzolu, around 1000 meters high.

We follow the crest for a little while, and we are surprised to see a huge dry stoned wall along the way. This wall was built for at least 1km long ! It sometimes gets higher than a man’s height, and it is amazingly preserved. 

Well… this is not the Great Wall of China, but it is still worth the visit.

Following the path, we get to the wall corner, we get through it and then we keep on walking to a big cross where there is a lovely panorama of Rosazia and its surroundings.  

We then get to the sheepfold Libbiu, right before the last hill, up to the Cervellu.

I know we already mentioned it, but the top view is simply stunning… 

For instance, we have an unbelievable view over the Monte Trè Torre (The three towers of Corsica) which are well named after those towers.

We can perfectly see its three summit from the Monte Cervellu. 

A bunch of ladybugs are living up on top of the rocks. This is where they need to be in regards to their reproduction time. The rocks’ colours even turned insect red sometimes.

On our way down, we go towards the sheepfold, and then we follow the small river source to meet another path that will go around the same way. It leads to the village,  but we have to go through few barriers, make sure you close them after you ! 

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