Par sopra à u matrali di Todda

A lovely walk, which offers different kinds of nice views. 

We cross Tolla’s blocking, and with an all terrain vehicle we can even climb up to the mountain pass. If we don’t have this type of vehicle, we just need to plan this trip to be a bit longer. 

The way up already offers an amazing view. Little by little, a panorama on Tolla village appears. 

The more we go up, and the more we get into the reflection of the blocking’s waters. 

From the mountain pass, we meet a little path that goes around the woods, with some nice views over the blocking.

We quickly reach another little mountain pass, where we have a lovely panorama on Prunelli valley, until Ajaccio. 

If we keep walking on this path, we might reach different summits (For instance la Punta de Gattaghja - 855 meters high). All summit offers a different point of view, The further summit is the one where the path disappears, just above the blocking.

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