In bedroom

Letizia:  What a nice bedroom
Marcella: You’re right ! and what a beautiful room! 
Maria: I’m going to hang the clothes up! 
Marcella: Look at this ! We can see the full Promenade des Anglais !
Letizia: Wait ! let’s take a picture and then send it to Petru 
Maria: He should have come as well!
Marcella: Easy to say. He has one semester to catch up

At the hotel. Listen to the dialogues

The basement

1 : I have been down to the basement. It’s another world.
2 : I actually like basements. It seems to be out of time.
3 : Here you are ! Write us a poem !

The swimming pool

1 : What time does the swimming pool open ?
2 : My apologies, but the machine that filters the water is out of order.
3 : But are you going to have it fixed today ?
4 : Today or tomorrow, i twill be fixed for sure 


Service and shop

Service and shop. Match the expression ( with its meaning

Ci sò sbalgi. sbalgiu.
Pruvate la dinù clicchendu quì sottu.
Bravu, hè tuttu ghjustu!
» Fà l'eserciziu un'altra volta

Expressions. At the hotel

Marcella: Hello ! Do you a room with three beds available ?
Receptionist: Hello ! let me check…Yes, I have one ! How many nights 
Marcella: Four. Is the breakfast included in the price ?
Receptionist Yes, and the television is also included .

Past participle

*Le participe passé

Choose the right answer

Future of verbs : Avè+da+verb infinitive

Choose the right answer

To can

Choose the right answer

The past participle

*Le participe passé

With the verb ESSE (to be), the past participle is used like and adjective. Its used is to built the past’s compound times and other verbal phrases

For the moment, let’s only see it with its adjective use. It agrees (type and number) with the noun linked to it.

Future of verbs : Avè+da+verb infinitive

Aghju da vede Avemu da dorme
Ai da falà Avete da leghje
Hà da lascià a camera Anu da parte
* I will see
