On foot. Undefined pronouns

Maria : How are we going to the Piazza Massena ?
Marcella : Walking ! It’s just beside. Taking the car would be an useless thing to go.

Ci sò sbalgi. sbalgiu.
Pruvate la dinù clicchendu quì sottu.
Bravu, hè tuttu ghjustu!
» Fà l'eserciziu un'altra volta

On foot. Choose the right sentence in the future tense (2)

Altre pussibilita

I verbi à l’infinitivu trà parentesi, cunghjucate li à u futuru

On foot. Choose the right sentence in the future tense

Altre pussibilita

Cumu ci andemu Piazza Massena ? 

On foot. Versions

ÙN VALE A PENA À + INFINITIVU    >          Ùn vale a pena à piglià u car
BASTA À + INFINITIVU                      >         Basta à sapè a direzzione

Trincate à manca, è po andate dirittu dirittu

On foot. Undefined pronouns


The polling

It is used with a special word (Cumu ?/How ?)

Other interrogative words :

Chì ? (adjective and pronoun : Which one ? who ? What ? )

Quale ? (pronoun : Who ? Which one ? )

Quandu ? (adverb : When ?)


Future of verbs : another form

N. B. Ricurdemu ci ch’ella ci hè un’altra forma cù AGHJU+DA+INFINITIVU, assai praticata:
(Reminder : There is another form which is much used : Aghju+da+infinitive)
