Da sopra à e calanche

Let’s admire Porto’s bay and Scandula on the northern side, until Capo Rosso in the west side, while we are going through an extraordinary path. 

We already know Calanche de Piana with the view we have from the road, or even walking for the bravest ones.  However, we can actually find an incredible number of ways behind those fascinating rocks. On our way to the Calanche – on the middle and around the end (Piana-Porto way), we can see signs that are showing the starting points of many walks.

We can walk them separately, or go around them during 3 hours to meet two of the possible ways. 

We can then appreciate the place, from rocks to rocks, surrounded by singing birds, and by the sea on the rocks down below. There is a legend about the Calanche, that tells ‘the devil has created them to punish a shepherdess that would not go out with him. She has been turned into a status, but now she will forever be prisoner of this terrific city, crowded with stones creatures.  

The starting point is just outside Piana village. We go through a small bridge on our right handside, a straight road that goes up and that leads to a football pitch where we can park our car. First of all, we go in front of small wooden bridges, before we get to a pine forest. We then follow the Palani’s path, among the many little ways that are going through the trees. This path, right after a straight hill, leads to chestnut trees and offer a breathtaking view on Porto’s bay. All along the way, we walk among sculted rocks. One of the most iconic one is the Lion’s Head. It is one of the biggest ones that we can see from the walk’s starting point. 

Lots of rocks have « tafoni » on them (holes in the stone that are made thanks to temperature varitions and air’s humidity, as well as erosion because of the wind and the close sea. Some of them are called « Tafonu mortu » because they have stopped their development. However, some of them are still affected by the erosion. The walk keeps on going with a downhill until Dispensa ruins, just on the edge of the road. We can get some refreshment thanks to Oliva Bona fountain.

Back on the road, we can keep on walking to the mythical wooden chalet ‘Blue rocks’ where another path is indicated. 

It started with some kind of stones stairs that goes up to a cornice where the sight is simply breathtaking. From there, it is possible to see all the Calanche de Piana, if we start from the left handside of Piana village, until Porto’s bay on the righthandside. 

The path isn’t a long one, but offers the benefit to go back to the football pitch, in addition to a breathtaking view. 

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