On the phone
- (Ragiunata) On the phone
- (Vocabulariu) Location. Position. Distances and measures
- (Vocabulariu) Town
- (Vocabulariu) Village
- (Gramatica) To read
- (Gramatica) To read : imperfect
- (Gramatica) To read : present perfect
- (Gramatica) To sell : present
- (Gramatica) To sell : imperfect
- (Gramatica) To sell : present perfect
- (Gramatica) Verbs with pronominal form
- (Gramatica) Demonstrative adjectives
- (Gramatica) Adverbs
- (Eserciziu) On the phone. Conjugate to the imperfect
- (Eserciziu) On the phone. Conjugate to the present perfect
- (Eserciziu) On the phone. Conjugate to the pronominal form
- (Eserciziu) On the phone. Demonstrative adjectives
- (Eserciziu) On the phone. Position. Localisation. Distance
- (Ragiunata) On the phone. Listen to the dialogue
- (Ragiunata) On the phone. Versions