Learn at school

Fabien : Oh la la!  All of these letters ! I don’t understand a single thing!
Stella : Why do you say that ? It’s easy. There you go, vowels : a, e, o, u.
Fabien : And iiiiiiii ! For the vowels, it’s ok, but what about the rest?
Antoine: - Come on, children, it’s not that difficult. Come on, look at me:  I take off vowels and I put consonants.
Fabien : b, c, d, f, g, l, m… and then ?
Lucie : - n, p, q, r, s, t, z.
Stella : - chj, and ghj, what about it ?

Pupulazione corsa : un seculu fattu à scala

From the beginning of the XIXth century until today, Corsican population has developed following three major periods.

During the nineteenth century, we can notice a slight increase. We came to a historic maximum at a moment of change in the century, just below the 300,000 inhabitants.

