English | Français | To go | Aller |
They give up, they let | Ils/elles laissent, abandonnent |
I call | J’appelle |
They go up | Ils/elles montent |
He/she sleeps | Il/elle dort |
To do | Faire |
He/she does | Il/elle fait |
They do | Il/elles font |
To end up | Finir |
They complain | Il/elles plaignent |
We complain | Nous plaignons |
Food | Nourriture |
They put on | Il/elles meyyent |
They think | Il/elles pensent |
To take | prendre |
To fish | pêcher |
I introduce | Je présente |
We will be | Nous serons |
They land, they come | Il/elles débarquent |
To listen, to hear, to feel | Ecouter, entendre, sentir |
To suffer, to endure | Souffrir, supporter |
To have a walk | Se promener |
They stay | Il/elles restent, habitent |
To see | Voir |
He/she comes | Venir |
You see | Vous voyez |
They want | Il/elles veulent |