Origin (12 parolle)
Food (29 parolle)
Lezzione : At the coffee shop
Drinks (14 parolle)
Lezzione : At the coffee shop
Seasoning and vegetables (24 parolle)
Lezzione : At the coffee shop
Fruits (23 parolle)
Lezzione : At the coffee shop
Buy and pay (10 parolle)
Lezzione : It's expensive !
Sports (23 parolle)
Lezzione : Sports and hobbies
Hobbies (52 parolle)
Lezzione : Sports and hobbies
Family (27 parolle)
Lezzione : Families and parents
Occupations (31 parolle)
Lezzione : Families and parents
The hotel (41 parolle)
Lezzione : At t he hotel
The bedroom at the hotel (42 parolle)
Lezzione : In the bedroom
Time (7 parolle)
Lezzione : In the bedroom
Colors (12 parolle)
Lezzione : On foot !