
Au sommet

Au sommet

Vizzavona offers multiple walks. Among them, there is La Punta di l’Oriente, 2112 meters high. 

Sporty walks fans are happy to climb it, each season of the year. It doesn’t matter if they have to wear walking shoes or snowshoes ! 

We started from the ridge, in front of the sheepfolds of the Pozzi. We face two path in this place : The Lost Woman path (easy family walk) and the Oriente path. We have to follow the ridge and go up and up again to reach the top. It’s a straight hill ! Be careful when you reach the summit’s bottom. There is a red mark there, that we shouldn’t follow as it marks the path to the Oriente’s trail ! It is a mountain race that takes place there every year.  

We just follow the cairns to reach the top. It is a lovely walk, with a beautiful 360 degrees view. We even spot La Plaine Orientale from a good bit of the path. Once we reached the summit, we need to climb the rocky walls to reach the cross and the highest point of L’Oriente. On the way back, we might keep it going from the Lost Woman path, which makes it a little bit longer, but at least we would see it all !

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