1. ... fratellu hà diciottu anni
Translation: My brother is 18
2. ... babbu hè Antone Simonpietri
Translation: Our father is Antone Simonpietri
3. Marcellu hà vintu ... macciu
Translation: Marcellu won his match
4. Andemu à corre cù ... amiche
Translation: We are going for a run with your (plural) friends
5. Partimu in vacanze cù ... parenti
Translation: We are going on holidays with our parents
6. I figlioli di i nostri zii sò ... cugini
Translation: Our uncle’s children are our cousins
7. ... nipote sò e figliole di u vostru fratellu
Translation: Your (plural) nephews are your brother’s children
8. ... scarpi ùn li facenu micca male à i pedi
Translation: Their shoes don’t hurt their feet
9. A mo zia Maddalena hè a surella di ... babbu
Translation: My aunt Maddalena is my Dad’s sister